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AI Teams

In the digital age, where efficiency and innovation are paramount, the concept of AI Teams emerges as a game-changer. An AI Team is not just a group of AI Assistants working together; it's a synergized unit designed to tackle complex tasks with unparalleled precision and speed. We all know that a single AI Assistant couldn't do many things alone. As in real-life, we all are very good at few tasks, we don't know to perform any task (for example if you are a software engineer, you probably don't know what a lawyer knows). We delegate them to other specialists in that specific niche, or we hire someone to do the job for us.

That's why we designed this feature, to enable collaboration between multiple AI specialists and solve complex tasks.

This detailed guide introduces the transformative potential of AI Teams, showing you how to leverage this feature to automate processes, enhance customer interactions, and achieve your business objectives more effectively.

What is an AI Team?

An AI Team is a collection of AI Assistants that work together to solve a task you provide. Depending on your use-case, you can configure it and train to better align with your goals.

An AI Team also has its own supervisor which is another AI Assistant. This is your entry point to communicate with your AI team. You can instruct this supervisor to use a team member when a specific task is required, or use multiple team members in order to build a workflow or execute parallel tasks. This collaboration ensures a seamless operation, from automating workflows to providing sophisticated customer support.

Setting Up Your AI Team: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an efficient AI Team involves several crucial steps, from defining your objectives to selecting and configuring your AI Assistants. Here's how to build your AI Team from the ground up:

Step 1: Define Your Team's Objectives

Clear objectives are the cornerstone of a successful AI Team. Identify the tasks you wish to automate or the areas where AI can augment your operations. This clarity will guide the selection of AI Assistants for your team.

Step 2: Create Individual AI Assistants

Before assembling your AI Team, you must create individual AI Assistants tailored to specific tasks. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Identify the Tasks: Break down your objectives into specific tasks or functions.
  2. Create AI Assistants: For each task, create an AI Assistant. This involves:
    • Train it with your own data if you want to give it access to your documents or your website. It will use those documents to respond to questions or use to analyze them.
    • Give it access to external tools to better do its job.
    • Naming the assistant based on its role, like "Customer Support Bot" or "Content Creation Bot".
    • Instruct each assistant how you want them to behave, ensuring they can perform their designated tasks effectively.

Step 3: Create your AI Team supervisor

The AI Team supervisor is an AI Assistant that is designed to use the other team members for solving a task. You can create an AI Assistant by following this guide then connect its team members (the other AI Assistants) to it.

Step 4: Configure AI Assistants as Tools

Once your AI Team supervisor and individual AI Assistants are ready, it's time to configure them to work together as a team. For each assistant, you'll need to configure a tool in your AI Team supervisor panel and set up:

  • Name: Give a descriptive name that reflects its role within the team.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the assistant’s function and how it contributes to the team's goals.
  • AI Assistant: Select one of your AI Assistants.
  • Input Name and Input Description: Define the input your AI Assistant will handle, such as "customer_query" for a Customer Support Bot.
  • Return Response Directly in Chat: Specify if the assistant should return its response directly in the chat or to the main AI assistant for further action.

Real-Life Example: Creating an AI Team for E-commerce Support

Objective: To automate customer inquiries, help customers to pick the right product for their need, and handle post-purchase support.

  1. Customer Inquiry Assistant
    • It is a Simple Q&A AI Assistant that is trained with company data (PDF, Word, Video Tutorials etc) and all the company website & blog data
    • Handles customer queries and responds to general questions about the company.
  2. Product Advisor Assistant
    • It is an AI Assistant connected to an external tool that receives the user preferences and returns back the relevant products
    • Offers assistance for picking the right product for the customers need.
  3. Post-Purchase Support Assistant
    • It is an AI Assistant connected to company's Order Management System (OMS) via an API tool and could provide details of an order or even make changes to an order
    • Manages order tracking, returns, and exchanges.

The Advantages of AI Teams

  • Enhanced Efficiency: AI Teams streamline operations, handling complex tasks more swiftly than standalone AI Assistants.
  • Customization: Tailor AI Teams to your exact business needs, ensuring a perfect fit for your operations.
  • Scalability: Easily expand or modify your AI Team as your business evolves, maintaining peak efficiency.

AI Teams represent a significant advancement in digital automation, offering a blend of efficiency, customization, and scalability. By strategically assembling AI Assistants into cohesive teams, businesses can unlock new levels of productivity and innovation, propelling them towards their goals with unmatched speed and precision.