Status codes and errors
Learn about status codes and errors of Cubeo AI's APIs
The following page describes the status codes and standard error responses used in the Cubeo AI API.
Status codes
Status code | Explanation |
200 | Success |
202 | Accepted (pending) |
400 | Bad Request: The server can't process the request because the input is not valid. |
401 | Unauthorized: The supplied API key is incorrect. |
402 | Payment Required: An account limit has been reached. You have to upgrade your subscription |
403 | Forbidden: This error is returned in the following scenarios: You're using an outdated API key or a key not associated with that resource. - A downstream endpoint can't be accessed. - You're attempting to access an endpoint you are not authorized for. |
404 | Not Found: This error is returned in the following scenarios: - The requested resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed: You are attempting to use an unauthorized method. |
500 | Internal Server Error: There is a problem with our server. Please try again later or contact our support team. |
503 | Service Unavailable: The Cubeo AI API is temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |