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Linkedin People Search

The LinkedIn People Search tool is designed to help you find LinkedIn profiles quickly and efficiently by applying specific filters. It empowers your AI Assistant with the ability to search people on Linkedin automatically then analyze them for you.

Whether you're a recruiter, a sales professional, or anyone in need of targeted leads, this tool makes it easy to locate the right people on LinkedIn based on industry, skills, location, and more.

Key Features

This tool allows your AI Assistant to:

  • Search by Industry: Search to a specific industry using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) standards.
  • Filter by Skills: Identify people who possess particular skills.
  • Narrow by Location: Search within specific cities or countries by providing complete names.
  • Target by Name: Search for individuals by their first or last names.
  • Focus on Companies: Restrict your search to people working at a specific company using the company's LinkedIn ID (for this feature you have to use this tool in combination with Linkedin Companies Search tool, so you'll be able to ask queries like Give me details about company X and all their decision makers)
  • Pagination: Automatically fetch multiple pages of results if more than 10 profiles match your criteria.

Config Details

When configuring the LinkedIn People Search tool within an AI Assistant, each parameter can be adjusted to fit your specific needs. Here’s how you can configure these parameters:

  1. Industry
    • Default Value: Set a default industry name (e.g., "Research Services") if the user doesn't specify one.
    • Is Optional: Decide if this filter is optional. If checked, the AI Assistant will not require this information to perform a search.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: If enabled, the AI Assistant will be able to populate this parameter based on the user's input. Otherwise the AI Assistant won't see this parameter.
  2. Skills
    • Default Value: Predefine a list of skills (e.g., ["Data Science", "Machine Learning"]) that the AI Assistant will use if the user doesn't provide them.
    • Is Optional: Choose whether the skills filter is mandatory. If marked as optional, the search can proceed without specifying skills.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant (default unchecked): Allow the AI Assistant to fill in this parameter using context from the user's queries or leave it to use the default list.
  3. City
    • Default Value: Set a default city (e.g., "San Francisco") that the AI Assistant will use if no city is provided.
    • Is Optional: Make this parameter optional if searching within a specific city isn’t always necessary.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: Enable the AI Assistant to automatically determine the city based on the conversation or use the default setting.
  4. Country
    • Default Value: Establish a default country (e.g., "United States") to be used in the search.
    • Is Optional: If this filter is not always needed, set it as optional.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: The AI Assistant can autofill this field based on user input or use the pre-set default country.
  5. First Name
    • Default Value: Set a default first name (e.g., "John") if no specific name is provided by the user.
    • Is Optional: Determine if this parameter can be skipped during the search.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: Allow the AI Assistant to guess or input a first name based on the user's needs.
  6. Last Name
    • Default Value: Specify a default last name (e.g., "Doe") for the AI Assistant to use.
    • Is Optional: Decide whether this parameter must be filled out or can be optional.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: Enable the AI Assistant to automatically fill this parameter from the context or use the default value.
  7. Company ID
    • Default Value: Input a default company ID (e.g., "1234") that will be used unless the user specifies a different one.
    • Is Optional: Configure this as optional if you don’t always need to search within a specific company.
    • Autofill by AI Assistant: Let the AI Assistant autofill the company ID based on user interaction or use the preset ID.

How These Configurations Work in Practice

In the context of AI Assistants, users don't interact directly with these tools. Instead, the AI Assistant uses these configurations to tailor its actions. For example, if a recruiter is searching for candidates but doesn't specify a city, the Assistant will use the default city you've set. Similarly, if the skills parameter is optional and left blank by the user, the Assistant will still proceed with the search using other available filters.

By setting these configurations, you ensure the AI Assistant can operate smoothly with or without explicit user input, making it a flexible tool that adapts to various situations.

Pagination Feature

If your search yields more than 10 profiles, the pagination feature allows the AI Assistant to automatically request additional pages, ensuring you get all relevant results. This is especially useful for large-scale recruitment or lead generation efforts.

Example Use Case

Let's imagine you're part of a sales team at a software company, and you're looking to connect with potential clients who are Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) in the financial services industry across major cities in the United States. You want to target those who have expertise in cloud computing and cybersecurity.

Here's how you can configure the LinkedIn People Search tool within your AI Assistant:

  1. Industry: Set the industry filter to "Financial Services." This ensures that the AI Assistant only searches for profiles within the financial sector, helping you reach the right audience.
  2. Skills: Configure the skills filter to include "Cloud Computing" and "Cybersecurity." This way, the AI Assistant focuses on individuals with expertise in these key areas, which aligns with your software product.
  3. City: Input the default city as "New York" ,"San Francisco" or "Chicago." These are major financial hubs where you're likely to find CTOs who might be interested in your software solutions.
  4. Country: Set the country to "United States". Since your sales efforts are focused domestically, this filter will limit the search to relevant profiles within the U.S.
  5. First Name/Last Name: If you're targeting specific individuals (e.g. you know the names of key decision-makers), you can fill out these fields. Otherwise, leave them blank to cast a wider net.
  6. Company ID: Leave it blank because you want to do a general search not searching people inside a specific company.

How the AI Assistant Uses This Configuration

Once set up, the AI Assistant can automatically search for potential leads by filtering LinkedIn profiles based on the above criteria. For example, during a conversation, if a user asks the Assistant to "Find CTOs in the financial services sector who are skilled in cloud computing," the Assistant will use the configured parameters to return a list of relevant LinkedIn profiles.

Additionally, if the user doesn't specify certain details, such as the city or specific companies, the AI Assistant will default to the settings you configured (e.g., New York, San Francisco, Chicago) to ensure the search still yields relevant results.

This setup allows your sales team to quickly and efficiently identify and connect with key prospects, streamlining the lead generation process and increasing the likelihood of securing high-value clients.

Instructions for Use

  1. Set Up the Tool: Within your AI Assistant, configure the LinkedIn People Search tool by filling in the necessary parameters (industry, skills, location, etc.), otherwise you can leave them blank.
  2. Initiate the Search: Ask your AI Assistant to retrieve some profiles from Linkedin, and the tool will return a list of profiles that match your filters.
  3. Review Results: Your AI Assistant will provide you details about the found leads. You can ask it to fetch the next page if you want more results.
  4. Integrate with Profile Scraper: For more detailed information, use the LinkedIn Profile Scraper tool to fetch full profile details.

Integration with Other Tools

This tool is particularly powerful when used alongside the LinkedIn Profile Scraper, which can pull detailed information from individual profiles returned by the search. However, if you need to analyze a person's LinkedIn posts or audience, this tool isn't suited for those tasks.

Troubleshooting & FAQs

  • No Results: Ensure that the filters are correctly set, and try broadening your search criteria.
  • Incorrect Filters: Double-check that the industry name, city, and country names are spelled correctly and are in their full form.

If you're unsure about setting up or using the tool, consult the instructions provided, or reach out for support.


The LinkedIn People Search tool is a robust solution for anyone looking to find specific LinkedIn profiles efficiently. By narrowing your search with detailed filters, you can quickly identify the best candidates or leads, saving you time and effort. Try integrating this tool into your workflow to enhance your recruiting or sales processes.