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Web Browser

Welcome to the exciting journey of enhancing your AI Assistant's capabilities with the power of the Web Browser tool! This guide is crafted for our non-technical friends who wish to leverage real-time, accurate, and factual information directly from the web. Whether you're looking to answer questions about current events or need comprehensive search results at lightning speed, the Web Browser tool is your go-to solution.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of setting up the Web Browser tool, ensure you have access to your AI Assistant’s dashboard. No technical expertise? No worries! We're here to walk you through each step with ease.

Understanding Your Toolkit

The Web Browser tool comes with a few knobs and levers you can adjust to fit your needs perfectly. Let's break them down:

  • Input Name & Description: Think of this as telling your AI Assistant what to look for. For example, if you're interested in "latest technology trends," your Input Name could be query, and the Description might be “search query for the latest in technology.”.
  • Max Results: How many search results do you need? You can choose up to 20, but sometimes less is more for quick answers.
  • Include/Exclude Domains: Want results from specific websites or looking to avoid some? Here's where you can make that happen. It's like telling your assistant, "Please look here, but not there."

You have the flexibility to link various web browsers to your AI Assistant, each tailored for a distinct purpose. For instance, one web browser could be dedicated to searching for the latest news exclusively on chosen websites (by completing the Include Domains parameter), while another might focus on gathering the most recent financial information—whatever suits your needs!

Setting Up Your Web Browser Tool: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the Tools Tab: Start by logging into your AI Assistant dashboard and selecting the Tools section.

  2. Find and Configure the Web Browser Tool: Look for the Web Browser tool and click on Configure.

  3. Fill in the Details: Here’s where you’ll input those knobs and levers we talked about:

    • Name: This is how you'll identify the tool within your AI Assistant (e.g., "News Searcher"). Stick to alphanumeric characters, underscores, spaces, and dashes.
    • Description: Describe what the tool does (e.g., "Useful when you want to retrieve the latest news in US"). This helps in identifying the tool's purpose and helps AI Assistant to decide when the tool should be used.
    • Input Name: Give it a simple, understandable name.
    • Input Description: Describe what this input is about.
    • Max Results: Decide on the number of results you want (20 maximum).
    • Include/Exclude Domains: Specify which domains to consider or ignore.
  4. Save Your Configuration: After tweaking to your heart's content, hit save. Voilà! Your AI Assistant just got smarter.

  5. (Optional) Test Your Tool: Test your tool by inserting a search query and you'll see the results found

Real-Life Example: Staying Informed on Current Events

Imagine you’re curious about the latest developments in electric vehicles. Here’s how the Web Browser tool comes into play:

  • Input Name: query
  • Input Description: “Search query for electric vehicle news”
  • Max Results: 5
  • You ask your AI Assistant, “What’s the latest in electric vehicles?” and it fetches the most relevant, up-to-date information for you then makes you a summary with sources links inserted in it.

Best Practices and Tips

  • Keep It Simple: When setting your input parameters, clarity is key. Simple, understandable names and descriptions make for smoother searches.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Sometimes, more results can be overwhelming. Start with a lower number of max results and adjust as needed.
  • Use Domain Filtering Wisely: Including and excluding domains can drastically improve the relevance of search results. Use this feature to tailor the information to exactly what you need.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you're not getting the search results you expected, try adjusting the include/exclude domains settings or reducing the number of max results to focus the search. Still stuck? Our support team is just a message away.

Wrapping Up

With the Web Browser tool, your AI Assistant is now equipped to bring you the world's information in real-time. Experiment with settings, explore different searches, and discover just how powerful this tool can be. And remember, we're here to help every step of the way.

Happy searching!