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Researcher Agent


Unlock a treasure trove of industry insights, competitor strategies, and market trends with the Researcher Agent tool. Tailored for business professionals in sales, marketing, and strategy planning, this tool is your key to crafting detailed, data-driven reports. Below, we detail how to configure the Researcher Agent tool to transform complex data into actionable intelligence.

Quick Configuration Overview

For a focused market research report, adjust these parameters:

  • Creativity: Set between 0.5 (for reliable, standard insights) and 1.5 (for creative, out-of-the-box ideas).
  • Number Of Search Results: Up to 10 to ensure a comprehensive overview.
  • Total Words: 1500 words for an in-depth analysis.
  • Report Format: APA for reports or Harvard for business cases.
  • Custom Instructions: "Explore emerging trends in [Your Industry], analyze top competitors’ strategies, and identify consumer behavior shifts in [Target Market] for [Year]."

Configuring Your Researcher Agent

Step 1: Defining Creativity

Adjust the "Creativity" slider according to the scope of your research:

  • For exploring new ideas, push towards 1.5.
  • For making it more robust, keep it around 0.55 to 0.75.

Step 2: Number of Search Results

Choosing how many results to include affects the breadth of your research. Ten is optimal for a balanced view that's both thorough and manageable.

Step 3: Setting the Total Words

1500 words strike the perfect balance between comprehensive analysis and concise, actionable insights. Adjust this based on your depth of analysis needs.

Step 4: Selecting the Report Format

Choose APA for a structured, academic approach to your reports, or opt for Harvard when preparing business strategy documents. All supported formats here

Step 5: Custom Instructions

This is where you tailor the tool to your specific needs. For example: "The report should include competitor analysis, customer expectations, and technological advancements in 2024."

Implementing Your Setup

  1. Input Parameter Name: Default to research_topic this tells your AI Assistant the name of the input it should provide to the tool.
  2. Input Parameter Description: A sentence or two describing how the input should contain. Ex: The general research topic having more details and things to focus on during the research
  3. Return Response Directly In Chat: Opt for this if you prefer an immediate, direct answer; If uncheched, the tool will return the research report to your AI Assistant and it will analyze it and give you a final response.

Example Use Case

Sarah, a marketing strategist, is tasked with developing a new campaign targeting eco-conscious consumers. She sets up the Researcher Agent tool with:

  • Creativity: 1.0 for innovative engagement strategies.
  • Search Results: 10, to cover a spectrum of recent consumer studies and reports.
  • Total Words: 1500, ensuring a detailed yet focused report.
  • Report Format: Harvard, to align with her company's strategy document standards.
  • Custom Instructions: "Identify key drivers of eco-conscious consumer behavior in the European market and analyze successful marketing strategies in this segment for 2024."

Sarah receives a report that not only highlights recent trends but also offers insights into successful campaigns and consumer expectations. This becomes the foundation of her strategy development.

Maximizing Your Researcher Agent Tool

  • Be Specific with Custom Instructions: The more detailed your instructions, the more tailored your research report will be.
  • Use Creativity Wisely: High creativity for brainstorming and innovation, lower for data-driven reports.
  • Format Matters: Your chosen format can influence how the information is perceived. Choose one that aligns with your final presentation or report style.

Report Formats

APA (American Psychological Association)

  • Use Case: Widely used in the social sciences, education, and business.
  • Features: Emphasizes the date of publication. Citations in the text include the author's name and the publication year. It includes a comprehensive reference list at the end.
  • Why Choose APA: Ideal for research reports where recent sources are important and for a clear, concise presentation of findings.

MLA (Modern Language Association)

  • Use Case: Common in the humanities, particularly literature and language studies.
  • Features: Focuses on authorship. Citations include the author's name and page number. Works Cited page at the end.
  • Why Choose MLA: Suitable for research that emphasizes literary analysis or when working primarily with texts.

Chicago Style

  • Use Case: Broadly applicable across different subjects, especially history.
  • Features: Offers two systems: Notes and Bibliography (for literature, history, and the arts) and Author-Date (for physical, natural, and social sciences).
  • Why Choose Chicago Style: Versatile. Choose Notes and Bibliography for a nuanced, discursive citation style or Author-Date for a more concise, date-focused format.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

  • Use Case: Engineering, computer science, and information technology.
  • Features: Numerical citation style. Citations are numbered in the order of appearance in the text, with a corresponding reference list at the end.
  • Why Choose IEEE: Perfect for technical or scientific papers where precision and clarity about sources are key.


  • Use Case: Widely used across various disciplines, including business, education, and the sciences.
  • Features: Author-Date citation style. Similar to APA but with slight variations in punctuation and formatting.
  • Why Choose Harvard: Offers flexibility and simplicity, making it suitable for a wide range of subjects.


  • Use Case: Predominantly used in the medical and scientific fields.
  • Features: A numeric citation system. Sources are numbered sequentially as they appear in the text and listed in the same order in the reference list.
  • Why Choose Vancouver: Ideal for medical and scientific papers where numerous citations are common, ensuring a streamlined reading experience.

ASA (American Sociological Association)

  • Use Case: Sociology and related disciplines.
  • Features: Based on the Chicago Author-Date style, but tailored for sociology, including specific formatting rules for sociology terminology.
  • Why Choose ASA: Best for sociology papers or research focusing on societal issues, ensuring that formatting aligns with disciplinary norms.


  • Use Case: Humanities, especially history and law.
  • Features: Uses footnotes for citations and a bibliography at the end. The citation style is detailed and allows for extensive commentary in footnotes.
  • Why Choose Oxford: Excellent for in-depth analyses where supplementary comments and clarifications are necessary within the text.

Wrapping Up

The Researcher Agent tool is designed to make complex market research accessible and actionable. By carefully setting your parameters, you can unlock detailed insights that drive strategy, innovation, and competitive advantage.